Monday, May 13, 2013

ACTS 17 - 19,   9 May2013

Below is the map that indicates Paul's journey

All the cities and towns Paul visited on his second missionary journey, starting in Tessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Jerusalem, Ephese,Greece
Paul and Silas (& Timothy & Titus, & Prescilla & Acquilla)
Spreading the gospel, the apostles offend many and we see Paul most of the times leaving a city or town because of a mob or a riot that formed against him. Except in Athens. He leaves for Corinth without fearing for his life.

 Paul is living with a man called Jason. His many teachings offended the Jewish leaders who incited a mob against him, He fled to Berea.
Interestingly the bible mentions that they were more 'open-minded' and 'gladly listened and searched the scriptures' here.
This is a basic principle we as christians should adapt - to be open minded, listen and search! To be able to discern God's Truth, we cannot rely on hear say, or someone else's revelations all the time. We have to master the discipline of searching scriptures and testing any testimony or revelation against the Word of God. When something is published in a book (or on a blog, for that matter, hie hie) doesn't mean it is cast in stone Truth. It is merely an opinion or a perspective.

Paul was disturbed by the many gods in Athens. He was invited to the forum at Mars hill, to introduce his philosophy/ foreign religion.
Read Acts 17:16-31
In this passage Paul introduces God as the "unknown G{g}od" - and used an angle and language familiar to his audience to beautifully describe the one True God, Creator of everything.
Perhaps the fact that his 'religion' being one of so many, and the fact that the people of Athens fostered a 'live and let live' type of culture i.e. being tolerant of every and any type of religion, is the reason why Paul didn't flee, but left for Corinth without any mob or riot.
Maybe in the light of the Bereans' open minded approach that took them back to search Scripture, what happens in Athens shows us what 'open mindedness'  without taking it back to the Word, can power...just another philosophy..

Verse 27 says: "His purpose in all of this is that they should seek after God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find Him - though He is not far from any one of us. For in Him we live and move and are!"
Choice of words are perhaps more intentional than we might think. If the word 'seek' is used, perhaps it implies that God is hiding?....(Oh Jannie Dekas would explain this so cleverly!)
And does the word 'feel' imply that we are blind?.....Something to think about.

Paul meets Aquilla and Prescilla, Jews from Rome who were deported by Claudius Caesar. They lived in Corinth with the profession of tentmakers.

We discussed how our daily lives here in Dar, and our homegroup replicates the church in Acts. I mentioned that the Lord opened my eyes to see how it all unfolds and follows the blueprint of the bible. Here we are, gathering at a house, all in their different professions ranging from very corporate to motherhood. An email from a relative reaches us here, encouraging us on matters of the heart....its like a letter to the Corinthians or Ephesians! A blog is share instantly our thoughts and discussions...the only difference between then and now, is perhaps the time it takes to share the message! 
Someone calls us up to tell us they want to come and plant a church here in Prescilla and Acquilla we are here to help the Paul and the Peter of this world to spread the message of salvation. How awesome.

In Corinth the Jews opposed Paul's teaching and as in Acts 18:6 he "shook off the dust" from his robe....
God made him stay in Corinth for another year and a half preaching to the Gentiles.
The Jews rioted again, but Gallio (governor at the time) brushes it off as 'issues of semantics + personalities + silly jewish laws'....
Funny how we can make big issues in our lives of small things which in the end boils down to mere semantics, personalities and silly 'laws'....Can we not be BIGGER than that and realise that our agendas, propagandas, opinions might not carry others approval. We do not have to convince the world that we are right (by our own standards, or in our own opinion).....leave the arguments on the table and just turn towards our Maker who will put everything in perspective, and do the convincing Himself.

ACTS 19:

Verse 4 reminds us what the water baptism symbolises: " Paul pointed out to them that John's baptism was to demonstrate a desire to turn from sin to God and that those receiving his baptism must then go on to believe in Jesus..."

verse 13-20 tells us about the itinerant Jews who experimented casting out demons using Jesus' name. 
This teaches us to understand that, unless we stand in relationship with Him, we cannot call upon His name to do miracles or drive out demons. We have to be rooted in HIM. 
Do not use His name lightly. "I know Jesus, and I know Paul...but who are you?" said the demon. (v15)
The discussion continued around the aspect of casting out demons, and the practice of black magic...and the question was asked whether it is still practiced today. We concluded that indeed, these phenomena still appear today much more so than we think. In Africa especially witchcraft is a very prominent and real threat to many in the spiritual world. 
We just highlighted the fact that we as christians are safely rooted in Christ. We do not have to fear any form of witchcraft or spell. Our God is bigger and most powerful. 

Also in Ephesus we read of the silversmith, Demetrius, stirring up the people because Paul's teachings threatened his business and income. He employed many craftsman to manufacture silver shrines of the greek goddess Diana.
"The whole city was filled with confusion" (v29)
We discussed the fact that God is not threatened by any other god or any other religion or by any clever arguments or any strange philosophy. He tends to 'keep quiet' in the midst of it all..Just as Jesus did not defend himself on the way to the cross. Even though He did nothing wrong. 
He shows himself when the many arguments and justifications quiets down.

We mentioned that christians today are very scared that their firm spiritual stance will offend others. And we discussed that there is a fine line between being judgemental and offering offence (Luke 17:1 says: 'Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come!), and discerning right from wrong/ good from bad. 
We used the example of different beliefs. In our homes we have to clearly teach our children that different religions exist, and that we do not agree with them. We have to guide them and be solid and clear. That doesn't neccesarily mean we have to offend these people by attacking their religion publicly.We have to be ready with an answer if asked though. 
Our discernment between right and wrong should be clearly stipulated to our children, but always directed in love, not to offend.(Knowledge puffs up, Love edifies - 1 Cor 8:1)


  1. Commenting on my own post...So we mentioned in Acts 18:27 that the word 'feel' might imply that we are blind? ...sooo awesome...This morning I read Matthew 5. Verse 8 says: Happy (Blessed) are those whose hearts are pure, for they shall SEE GOD!

  2. Very informative! The map also helps to put everything in perspective!
