Thursday, April 18, 2013

ACTS 9 - 10, 18 April 2013

Cobus put together for us a slideshow of the collections as displayed in the Prado Museum Madrid.
The paintings tell the story of Acts 9 - 10.....


Acts 8
•Peter confronts Simon Magnus Acts 8:18-24
•Spirit tell Philip to go near the chariot: Acts 8:30-39
Acts 9
•Confrontation: Acts 9:3-9
•Ananias and Saul: 9:15-19
•Peter a paralytic man: Acts 9: 32-35
•Peter and Tabitha: Acts – 9: 36-42
Acts 10
•Cornelius sees a vision: Acts 10 1-8
•Peter sees a vision: Acts 10: 9-23
•The gift of the Holy Spirit is for everyone: Acts 10: 34-48

ACTS 8: Story 1

ACTS 8: Story 2

ACTS 9, Story 1

ACTS 9, Story 2

ACTS 10, Story 1

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